There is no showers or toilets here at the Msida Marina in Malta (supposedly its in the works, but not sure where), each morning the water from the tanks in the boat feels like it is coming down from a glacier, especially trying to brush and then rinse my teeth. So since we are hooked up to shore power and going to be in 240 volt supply areas for the next few years, I decided to remove the 110-volt heating element in our water heater and install a 240-volt element which I keep on the boat for these areas, this will save me having to start the engine to just heat the water while in a marina. The only drawback is that I will have to remove the cockpit shower mixer and its plumbing from directly in front of the water heater so that I then will be able to work on replacing the elements.
1-1/2 hour later I am managed to remove the element, in the process I dropped one of the four NC 3/8” – 13 hex head bolt inside where the insulation is in other words between the outer and inner tank, with my knees already taking the shape of a pretzel I had a hunch that this was going to be a rough day. I tried everything in the book and in its covers but to no avail the bolt is lost and I new I never had anything this short and in this configuration on the boat. Where am I going to find one similar bolt? I ran a cross the parking lot to the first chandlery and the gentleman told me to go to a place that I new existed, so I jumped in the car, courtesy of my father in-law and headed to this supply store called Catania, in Blata il Bajda, after waiting in line for 1/2 hour I was totally surprised that they had the same and more surprised when the man behind the counter asked me if I wanted it in stainless steel. I paid 90 Euro cents for 2 bolts and within 10 min I was back on the boat happy and whistling with joy that I found the same bolt.
Managed to put everything together pressure test fix some minor leaks turn water heater on and as pressure build a few more leaks and that was that, not so bad after all I am ready and its only 2:00 pm, what a wonderful day, had some lunch, checked some emails, and was thinking of taking an afternoon nap when all of a sudden we heard a noise similar to some boat going around under power but the noise did not let up and then we saw steam coming out of the engine room I poked my head and yelled to Lillian to open the faucet and turn off the main breaker for the shore power and the 12 volts DC. The safety relief valve opened up and was spewing steam and water all over the battery charger and other stuff close by the, I could not really see what was happening until the pressure dropped and then I went inside to take a closer look, the engine room felt like a sauna, the water was running down the top of the shelf on the starboard side, but to my amazement the charger did not actually get water on it, only some steam as the nozzle of the SRV was pointing down away from any electronic equipment.
It took me another 4 hours to remove all the plumbing and replace the SRV at the same. We did not turn the water heater on I wanted to wait till morning to be awake if something went wrong again.
The next morning I woke up and upon closer inspection and a fresher mind and set of clearer eyes I found that the clip that pushes the thermostat against the water heater tank was not in place and there was an air gap between the two, therefore the temperature of the water heater was not being read by the thermostat this would let the heating element bring the water temperature high enough that the safety blows. So I spent another couple of hours this morning fixing the problem. By know I am a qualified contortionist.
It is know working fine and we can enjoy warm water for the morning use and washing the dishes.